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Fit Waist Fat Wallet
Episode 151R

Posted by Choose FI

Episode Guide

Episode Summary:

Split testing is a vital concept that can be applied to many areas of life, including fitness, nutrition, and overall wellbeing. Minor changes can lead to significant improvements in results and processes. Whether evaluating food choices or workout regimes, strategic testing helps individuals identify what works best for them. The discussion emphasizes the importance of intentionality over mere adherence to trendy diets or exercise programs, encouraging listeners to fine-tune their approaches based on personal experiences and outcomes. The hosts share their personal stories of transformation using split testing principles, underscoring key elements such as hydration, proper sleep, and finding a sustainable fitness routine. The podcast encourages listeners to embrace experimentation and customization in their journey towards health and financial independence.

Episode Timestamps

ChooseFI Podcast Episode Show Notes

Episode Summary

In this episode of ChooseFI, the hosts discuss the concept of split testing and how it can be applied to various aspects of life, including fitness, nutrition, and overall wellbeing. They emphasize that small changes can lead to significant improvements and encourage listeners to be intentional and experimental with their health and financial strategies.

Key Topics Discussed

  • Introduction to Split Testing

    • The hosts introduce the idea of split testing, drawing parallels between business optimization and personal health decisions.
  • The Importance of Sleep and Nutrition

    • Discussion on how quality sleep impacts overall health and performance.
    • Tips for improving sleep hygiene.
  • Actionable Fitness Tips

    • Strategies to incorporate fitness into daily routines and find enjoyment in exercise.
    • The significance of setting realistic goals and recognizing personal preferences in fitness.
  • Food and Hydration Importance

    • Emphasis on the role of proper hydration and mindful eating.
    • Importance of paying attention to the body’s responses to different foods.
  • Personal Experiences with Dietary Changes

    • Sharing personal stories on how minor dietary adjustments have produced notable improvements in wellbeing.

Key Takeaways

  • Start small with health changes; even a minute of walking daily can lead to significant transformations.
  • Prioritize sleep quality to enhance performance and energy levels.
  • Implement split testing in nutrition and exercise for personal optimization.


  • "Continual testing is essential for improvement; rarely will you get it right the first time."
  • "Sustainable diets never feel like punishment."
  • "Awareness is crucial to understanding how food impacts your well-being."

Action Items

  • Assess your current diet and identify one change you want to test.
  • Commit to improving your sleep environment with strategies like blackout curtains or temperature control.
  • Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker - Link

Discussion Questions

  • How can you apply split testing in your daily routines?
  • What small changes have you made to improve your health?
  • How does sleep quality impact your overall performance?

Podcast Description

Join us as we explore the transformative power of split testing in achieving personal health and financial independence. Our hosts share actionable insights on nutrition, fitness, and mental well-being, emphasizing personal experimentation and optimization.

Note: The show notes were crafted from the transcript of the ChooseFI podcast episode and highlight the key aspects of the discussion, helping listeners engage with the content meaningfully.

Embrace the Power of Split Testing for Personal Improvement

In your journey toward financial independence and a healthier lifestyle, utilizing the concept of split testing can provide transformative results. This practice involves making small adjustments, documenting the outcomes, and iterating based on what works best for you. By applying this method to different areas of your life, such as nutrition, fitness, and overall well-being, you can optimize your approach for sustainable growth.

Understanding Split Testing

Split testing, also known as A/B testing, is a method where two variations of something—be it a diet, exercise routine, or financial strategy—are implemented to determine which one performs better. It’s crucial to approach this with a mindset of curiosity and experimentation. Instead of relying solely on mainstream advice or popular trends, you can personalize your strategies based on your unique experiences.

Key Takeaway:

Start by identifying one aspect of your life you wish to improve. This could be walking routines, meal plans, or budgeting methods. Make a small change and monitor the results over a set period to see what works best for you.

The Importance of Intentionality

When it comes to personal finance and health, it’s essential to be intentional rather than merely following the latest trends. Many might feel tempted to jump into a trendy diet or fitness program without evaluating whether it fits their lifestyle. Instead, focus on customizing your plans based on your findings from split testing.

Actionable Advice:

  1. Fitness Regimen: Start by analyzing your current routine. If you’re considering adding exercises, try different types (e.g., strength training vs. cardio) and log how you feel after each session.
  2. Diet Adjustments: Experiment with various meal plans. For instance, modify one meal per week and assess how it affects your energy levels and satiety.

Prioritizing Sleep and Nutrition

Quality sleep and proper nutrition form the foundation of a healthy life. Both are essential for optimal performance, and neglecting them can undermine your efforts no matter how well you split test your fitness or financial plans.

Improving Sleep:

  • Create a Sleep-Inducing Environment: Invest in blackout curtains and make your bedroom a light-free zone to enhance sleep quality. Aim for a cool temperature—around 62 degrees Fahrenheit— which has proven beneficial for deeper sleep.
  • Keep a Consistent Schedule: Adhere to regular sleep and wake times to help regulate your body’s internal clock.

Nutrition Focus:

  • Hydration as a Priority: Keeping hydration in check can substantially impact your energy levels and recovery from workouts. Carry a water bottle and set daily hydration goals.
  • Mindfulness in Eating: Be aware of how different foods make you feel post-meal. If a particular food leaves you fatigued or craving more, consider eliminating it temporarily to gauge the effects.

Fitness and Lifestyle Adjustments

Staying active is essential not only for physical health but also for mental well-being. Exploring different forms of exercise allows you to find what works best for your unique goals.

Practical Strategies:

  1. Mixing Workouts: Engage in a variety of workouts to prevent boredom and to challenge your body differently. Consider classes, running, or even walking as viable options. Remember, start small—begin with short durations and gradually increase your time.
  2. Seek Community Support: Join a local fitness group or find a workout buddy. This can create a support system that motivates you to push your limits and stay accountable.

Persistent Change:

  • Challenge yourself consistently. As an example, strive to do something hard every other day; this could be an intense workout or a challenging activity you've been putting off.

Customizing Your Diet

A sustainable diet shouldn’t feel like punishment. To maintain motivation and success, your meal plans must align with your lifestyle and actual food preferences.

Experimentation in Diet:

  • Identify Food Sensitivities: Pay attention to foods that cause distress or cravings. Use split testing to see how your body reacts to each food item you consume.
  • Implement Dietary Splits: Instead of rigid adherence to one strict diet, mix elements from various dietary approaches. For example, combine significant sources of protein, fat, and carbs based on how you feel once you consume them.

Conclusion: A Journey of Discovery

The journey toward achieving financial independence and optimized health should be personalized and enjoyable. Embrace the practice of split testing to navigate through changes that feel right for you. Remember to establish small, actionable goals and maintain awareness of how each decision impacts your overall well-being.

Final Takeaway:

Reframe your thinking—what works for someone else may not work for you, and that’s perfectly fine. Your path to success lies in continuous experimentation and refinement. Share your experiences with others, learn from the process, and let yourself take the time needed to discover what truly enriches your life.

Utilize these insights to begin your transformative journey today, one tested step at a time.

Using David Hauser's framework from last week of decision making through split testing, Brad and Jonathan look at their sleep, fitness, and diet.

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Split Testing

Split testing allows you to test small differences to determine what can make a big impact.

Little input differences or little changes in wording can make an enormous difference in your actual results.

For example, if you were split testing a website design, then you might change the color and wording slightly. You would compare which design worked best through a simple A-B test presented to the users. Even if your intuition says something is right, it doesn't mean that it is.

The chance that you hit on the exact right strategy that first time is so fleetingly small.

Let's take a look at some of the ways that you can apply split testing to your own life.


Sleep is a huge part of a healthy lifestyle. Over time, Brad has been able to make small changes to completely transform his sleeping patterns for the better.

Modern society has encouraged people to sleep less for years. The saying 'I'll sleep when I'm dead' is all to commonplace. For Brad, he combated that notion by reading books about sleep such as Why We Sleep by Matthew Walker and Sleep Smarter by Shawn Stevenson.

A few things that have helped Brad include:

  • Sleeping in the cold.
  • Investing in blackout curtains.
  • Taking the electronics out of the bedroom.
  • Buying a comfortable mattress topper.
  • Removing any small light sources, like LEDs, from the bedroom.

Make an effort to find out what works best for you. Maybe you'll need to use a combination of these solutions or create a completely new approach. The important thing is to simply find the best way to create optimal sleep for you. It is impossible to be a high performer without a good night of sleep, so take action today.

Related: How Getting More Sleep Will Impact Your Finances


In general, most of us need to be more active. It is very easy to do less when you have so much convenience afforded to you. When you can drive to the store to buy everything you need, your requirements for exercise seem to disappear.

When it comes to fitness, you don't have to do the same thing as everyone else. Instead, you need to ask what you want to get out of your fitness routine. Do you want to look good? Do you want to feel strong? How much time are you willing to put into this? The answer should go beyond that you want to be healthier. Think about what you want to reward you for your exercise.

Brad has tried a wide variety of exercise routines, but currently, he is doing Crossfit. With just 3-4 hours of exercise a week, he feels that he is getting great results. Earlier this year, he tried StrongLift but it was too intense to sustain.

If it's not sustainable, if it’s something you feel like you are going to fall off the wagon at any moment because of willpower, just sheer willpower, that is no sustainable plan going forward.

If you are looking for ways to get into exercise, you have so many options. Two of those options include F3 and the November Project. Both offer free fitness resources to help get you started. Remember, it does not have to be intense exercise. It could be as simple a getting off the couch and walking around the block. You have to start somewhere, so start somewhere that you are comfortable. Slowly work your way up over time to a level that you want to be at.

Related: Frugal Fitness Hacks For 2019


For Jonathan, he is hardest on himself about the fact that he likes everything to happen in a 12-week transformation. When something doesn't work as quickly as he hoped, it is easy to go off the rails because it was an unsustainable way of life. Now, he has learned that deprivation is just never going to work. Instead, he has started to listen to his body and find ways to fuel it properly.

He has tried every diet under the sun, but at this point, he has taken the parts that worked for him and created his own path forward. Here's what works for him:

  • Staying hydrated throughout the day.
  • Being mindful of what he is putting into his body.
  • Choosing to eat moderate proteins and fats.
  • Avoiding carbs and sugars that lead to crashes.
  • Intermittent fasting with the Zero app.

He no longer counts calories and tried not to be driven by food. The goal is to eat because he has to but not allow food to rule his day.

Brad has discovered through split testing that he has some food sensitivities. Most people don't realize that the food they are putting in their bodies directly affects how they feel a few hours later. Now that he is paying attention to these reactions, he can avoid foods that don't make him feel great.

What you put in your body leads to a certain outcome is really important for everyone hearing my voice to understand.

There is no perfect way to find the best balance of food and nutrition for your body. That's where split testing comes in. Do some testing to find out what works best for you.  You can compare how you feel with different foods. As your goals for your fitness and health change over time, allow that to be reflected in the foods you eat and exercise you commit to.

Check out the full episode with David Hauser here.


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